Fast & Hassle Free

At WoM we make it our mission to give you your time back. We'll get you moving so that you can get on with your life, all without the stress, worry and time wasting that can come with selling a property through an estate agent.

  • Free Legals

    All legal fees paid subject to using our solicitors.

  • Free Financial Advice

    Expert advice to help you with your financial affairs.

  • offer in 24 hours

    We know that time can be an issue, thats why we aim to get back to all requests within 24 hours of being received.

    You’re in control, Every step of the way.

    We’ll work to your timescales and provide an option that suits. Whether that means two weeks or two months, it’s entirely up to you.

    Comparison Time to offer Offer to completion % of potential market value
    Typical Estate Agency 68 days Average 90 days ?
    WoM Direct purchase 2 days 14 days or less 80%

    We're Here To Help

    Our professional team will help guide you through every step of the proccess, from application to completion.